Back home with Asheville Zine Fest

I had the pleasure of combining two of my favorite things this past Sunday: zines and Asheville. My husband Scott and I decided last fall that we were done waiting for someone to create the Asheville Zine Fest, and it seemed as if we were the ones meant to make it happen. So we did it, and it happened: this past Sunday, May 1, 2016, at the Grey Eagle in the River Arts District!

I definitely had that nail-biting moment when we opened the doors and wondered if anyone was going to come to our party. They did, and there was a lot of love felt in the room for zines, books, art, and comics. As it turns out, a zine fest was much needed in our town and we had a fantastic group of vendors and a great turnout.

We also had a nice article written about us by Alli Marshall in the Mt. XPress - . 

We're taking a short break to recover and read our zine haul, then planning will get started for Asheville Zine Fest 2017! Keep up with zine fest news at our website, or follow us on Twitter or Instagram @avlzinefest.


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